clasps, granulating deaths

we desire these
granulating deaths
the hope of transformations
neither we stand to hold nor disintegrate
the in-betweeness of thing
these bifurcating nothingness
what granulating a-thing-to-nothing denies by intimate clasps
a non-scalar of
what sensed as hollowed shells, 
creeping signs to de-signs,
might they be the-in-between’s deaths the only life that one endures
and deaths are but a fabric of compassion 
the Others harvest looms, weaving gaze, 
life is a de-sign pattern of demands 
perpetually weaving the undeathness of Others 
love as Others thread occurs at nothing-to-a-thing’s life unceases
occurrence fabric breaks and ceases by a-thing-to-nothing's love of Others death 
then Others resurrected by death from love
death of life unresurrected by being as Others 

so there are clasps:
love to cease to endure
life to uncease unpatternized
Others to unresurrect in-between 
death perpetual re-occurrences
quadrupling nothingness in-between

these clasps reconfigure at each cut on a finger
bleeding a denial to succumb dissuccumb to and fro