irrelevantly I

I was convinced that somehow I don’t exist, but that’s probably not precise
I remember gestures and chatters like there’s no one
names that were temporary collected from something and someone fleeting by
referring to I 
that is not I at all
no identities, there weren’t any
but a faint nothing that catatonically collapses into a thing or two or some
and that sketch of almost a thing is used to be invisible next week 
or non-existence 2 hours ago
but maybe I do exist, comfortable even
since it seems agonizing when a faint nothing be
and something or someone tries to delete it/ 
clear it or abort it before it’s anything 
in the suspension of nothing and a thing 
I as an occurrence of nothing and something
in the absence of them and things 
I am not one thing nor non-such idyllic angers 
in the absence of themselves
omni-existing to questions of non existence 

whom dearly yet irrelevantly matters